Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things i dislike and like....

I dislike and like many things. Wellll I'm a hermit. Hermitess. something like that. Oh welll here's my list...

I dislike...

1. Fish. Who in their right mind eats fish?? It smells...well...fishy. Seafood too. Blech! OK OK ill eat shrimp but that's about it.

2. Traffic. I grew up in Denver so I'm accustomed to driving in horrific traffic. But now i live in a tiny town and well i absolutely hate driving anywhere. People drive like loons. AND who sets the lights in this town??? Good Golly! It must be someone who never drives the roads here.

3. City Cops. OK i know this is wrong, but the city cops here are toads. They are all young kids out to prove they are jerks. I got pulled over the other night for...guess?? the left light bulb on my rear license plate was burned out. WHAT!?!? I wasn't speeding. I wasn't driving like a loon. This cop was a jerk too. Told me if i didn't get it fixed right away he'd pull me over again and write me up. Guess what?? Its NOT illegal to have a light burned out on your license plate!! Cops..*%@%$*

4. People. I'm just not a people person. I'm not anti-social. or anything like that. I'm just not comfortable around people. New people i don't know, even people i know. Maybe its because Ive been hurt by so many people in my life i just don't want to give them any more chances to hurt me anymore. So don't be afraid if i shy away from you or look at you weirdly..its not you its me.

5.Bullies. Yep here's who tortured me thru my early school years. Being an Indian in a predominately white neighborhood of Country club to other side of the tracks kids wasn't easy. But i survived, slightly damaged but OK.

6. Cars. Well not all cars. Just those stupid little Ricers that sound like a wind up toy. I prefer the hardcore American made V8 rumblers. Cameros, Fords, 56 Chevy's. Something real. and American.

Wellll. i thought i had more..but i guess i don't dislike as much as i thought. SO on to likes.

I like.

1. Animals. I really like animals of any kind. If i could id have millions of animals. Dogs, cats horses, camels, elephants, cows even fish. I like fish as long as they are alive and swimming. Not for eating.

2. Food. OK i like food to much, which might explain my being a bit big. But hey i don't care. Ive overcome my caring what other people think of me and how i look. I have lost weight though due to being diabetic.

3. Work. Yep. work. I have 3 jobs. and i like all of them. MrBoston works at all the same places. So this really helps. cause i love MrBoston. And i love being with MrBoston 24/7 too.

4. County Cops. Yep different than City Cops. The County deputies are pretty OK for Cops. There is this one Greenie who i call Officer Strange. Hes a riot. He doesn't have that cop attitude. In fact he reminds me of some sort of Mad scientist.

5. Silos. No not farm silos, but old missile silos. In fact MrBoston and I are looking into buying one to live. There's one in OK that sounds nice. but KS has several that we are also looking at.

6. Snow. I love snow and cold. When i was growing up in CO, we spent a lot of time in the mountains. I can ski. LOL not now though. Ive got RA really bad so that ends a lot of hands on things i used to do.

Alright its late. and Ive typed to much as it is. maybe ill continue in a day or two.

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