Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Formals OMG

Ive got a formal coming up next month. I have never done a formal. Heck, Ive never worn a dress. I'm a T-shirt, jeans girl. and once in a blue moon, ill wear slacks with a kinda nice shirt. So now what? I hate to clothes shop. but I'm going to have to. EEEEEeeee makeup. icky, I'm not into makeup either. ohhh I'm dying. The only consolation to all this madness is Wallys gonna have to wear a tux.

OK its for a good cause. But still!!! Its for Dogs, to help them get adopted, medical care when the owners cant afford it for some reason. For food for those who need it. Its a Dinner, Dance, Auction and fashion show. Its called Project Puppy. I'm a doggie foster mom. And my foster will be there so i have to be there to. wish me luck.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Work, a pain. RA.

The last 2 days Ive had to work. I don't mind work. But Ive got Rheumatoid Arthritis. Its all over my body. Really really bad in my right wrist and left ankle. Ive got awesome pain meds, however i don't like taking them. Messes with my head to much. Makes me tired. So i walk with a limp and it makes my hip hurt. I'm falling apart at the ripe old age of 42. Work consists of walking long distances, and standing on concrete for long hours. Sometimes it takes me like forever to get outta bed. I used to be able to throw a fastball, and throw a soccer ball across the field. But now i cant even throw more than 4ft without feeling like my arm and shoulder are exploding.

Work is at a Ball field of a local AA team for the St Louis Cardinals. They actually made the Playoffs this year, and no one is coming to the games. Kinda sad really. But the true fans are there every game. But i do kinda like it there. I just wish i didn't hurt so much after.

Aww well. i shall overcome the pain and go on. Now to try to beat the dogs to bed, my bed not theirs. Though they think its their bed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Uh OH!

Storm is coming. I don't like lightning. or thunder. MrBoston laughs at me because ill hide under a blanket when it lightnings. or thunders. He says that its cute. I also don't like sleeping next to the closet. OR with my feet uncovered. Closet monsters will have to get MrBoston before they get me. So ill have a chance to run while they eat MrBoston. Monsters under the bed who nibble toes off in the night wont get mine because i cover them at night. Although i do sleep by a window I'm not to concerned since a creep would have to climb a 10ft wall to get me. Plus the dogs are right there too. Unless they happen to be in bed with us.

EEP! thunder. gotta fly!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things i dislike and like....

I dislike and like many things. Wellll I'm a hermit. Hermitess. something like that. Oh welll here's my list...

I dislike...

1. Fish. Who in their right mind eats fish?? It smells...well...fishy. Seafood too. Blech! OK OK ill eat shrimp but that's about it.

2. Traffic. I grew up in Denver so I'm accustomed to driving in horrific traffic. But now i live in a tiny town and well i absolutely hate driving anywhere. People drive like loons. AND who sets the lights in this town??? Good Golly! It must be someone who never drives the roads here.

3. City Cops. OK i know this is wrong, but the city cops here are toads. They are all young kids out to prove they are jerks. I got pulled over the other night for...guess?? the left light bulb on my rear license plate was burned out. WHAT!?!? I wasn't speeding. I wasn't driving like a loon. This cop was a jerk too. Told me if i didn't get it fixed right away he'd pull me over again and write me up. Guess what?? Its NOT illegal to have a light burned out on your license plate!! Cops..*%@%$*

4. People. I'm just not a people person. I'm not anti-social. or anything like that. I'm just not comfortable around people. New people i don't know, even people i know. Maybe its because Ive been hurt by so many people in my life i just don't want to give them any more chances to hurt me anymore. So don't be afraid if i shy away from you or look at you weirdly..its not you its me.

5.Bullies. Yep here's who tortured me thru my early school years. Being an Indian in a predominately white neighborhood of Country club to other side of the tracks kids wasn't easy. But i survived, slightly damaged but OK.

6. Cars. Well not all cars. Just those stupid little Ricers that sound like a wind up toy. I prefer the hardcore American made V8 rumblers. Cameros, Fords, 56 Chevy's. Something real. and American.

Wellll. i thought i had more..but i guess i don't dislike as much as i thought. SO on to likes.

I like.

1. Animals. I really like animals of any kind. If i could id have millions of animals. Dogs, cats horses, camels, elephants, cows even fish. I like fish as long as they are alive and swimming. Not for eating.

2. Food. OK i like food to much, which might explain my being a bit big. But hey i don't care. Ive overcome my caring what other people think of me and how i look. I have lost weight though due to being diabetic.

3. Work. Yep. work. I have 3 jobs. and i like all of them. MrBoston works at all the same places. So this really helps. cause i love MrBoston. And i love being with MrBoston 24/7 too.

4. County Cops. Yep different than City Cops. The County deputies are pretty OK for Cops. There is this one Greenie who i call Officer Strange. Hes a riot. He doesn't have that cop attitude. In fact he reminds me of some sort of Mad scientist.

5. Silos. No not farm silos, but old missile silos. In fact MrBoston and I are looking into buying one to live. There's one in OK that sounds nice. but KS has several that we are also looking at.

6. Snow. I love snow and cold. When i was growing up in CO, we spent a lot of time in the mountains. I can ski. LOL not now though. Ive got RA really bad so that ends a lot of hands on things i used to do.

Alright its late. and Ive typed to much as it is. maybe ill continue in a day or two.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Adopt a Soldier..

Ive adopted a soldier. I did this several years ago. but due to money issues at the time i had to stop. But now i can once again do this. So ive decided that each time i go to the store i shall pick up a couple things for my Soldier. Today i got some food stuffs, mac n cheese, lip balm, individual soup packets, candy, a bottle of Hersheys chocolate and several little doohickeys. I believe we should all support our Troops in some way. and for me this is the way i do it.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tattoos and other things.

Yes, i have tattoos. many tats. and Piercings. Ill post some pics of them soon. My fav tat is the one i just got of Eeyore. I love Eeyore. Im not really into the honken big intricate tats. Each of my tats have a special meaning for me. My piercings consist of well my ears and a few other places. Dont ask where.

I wear a silver bracelet for a fallen Vietnam Vet who is MIA. His name is Maj. Frederick J. Wozniak. Im thinking i might have his name tattooed on me. I dont want him to be forgotten. Or his Pilot. Col. Gary G. Wright. Both disappeared over NVN. Was it possible they were POW? Yes. but no one knows. and for that reason i keep a light for them. So maybe one day they can find there way home.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Today is day one of a 3 day weekend. Here's what i did.

I got up at the ungodly hour of 7:30 am. Why? Because we foster dogs. They need to be at a local pet store for a adoption event on the first sat of every month. Than MrBoston and I went to Home Depot. I love this store. I love to look at all the weird doohickeys they have and wonder what the heck they are used for. I mean come on, some things there look down right Medieval. Any who, I got myself a new MOP!! YAY ME!! MrBoston needed a new chain saw blade. Why is it men get the cool things and women get...mops???

After our adventure in HD. We headed to the store. Somebody needed to get his lotto numbers. I needed kitty litter and bananas. Gosh my life is exciting. However before we got to said store this Watermelon truck dropped its load at the intersection we happened to be at. Now I'm the proud owner of 5 watermelons. Guess what MrBostons going to be eating all this weekend. I don't have to cook. lol.Oh and Mouse absolutely love watermelon too, so it should get eaten. We finally made it home, just in time for the Red Sox first game of the day.

I'm a avid reader. So i thought today would be a great day to start reading. Shhh..I'm reading Beverly Lewis. I love these books. and I'm not a romance book person at all. I'm more into Horror, True Crime, Sci Fi. But these books...are just...so not like most Romance novels. For one thing they don't have people doing the funky monkey every other page. There based on the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish. Did i mention I'm Mennonite? So I'm curious. I know they aren't true life but from what Ive read and heard they come pretty close. Well i started my book and the next thing i knew i was snoring away. So so much for getting any reading done.

When i woke, thanks to MrBostons dog, who decided i had slept enough and needed to be woken up by doing a flying leap onto my ah..um.....lets just say i needed to tinkle. Well after that unfortunate incident, i decided on TV.

Mel Gibson. No matter what people say, i still like him. My favorite movie is The Patriot. I watched that tonight with MrBoston. I love the scene where he and his sons are shooting down Red Coats, while saving his older son. (Heath Ledger) OK sorry I'm a gore person. I love gore. But NOT a slasher flick gore person. Those aren't gore. There cheesy. Any who MrBoston likes this film too and even if the Red Sox are playing, he will watch The Patriot instead of them. Big thing for him to do. I think wars should be fought the way they did in the movie. Face to Face, Generals, Majors, and all the other higher ranked officers all out there on the field with the grunts. None of this hiding in a office thousands of miles from the battlefield.

Now i am here, writing..um typing at 1 am. Watching Disney Channel. My Dog is snoring, The other dog has a whistle in his nose. Tomorrow I plan to shampoo the carpet. YAY!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Baseball, Peanut Butter and Cow poop.

I work for a Baseball team here in town. A minor league team. Dbl A to a Major league Team. The season is over now, thank god. 72 games. 5 i think were doubleheaders. I'm a manager for one of 7 concession stands at the Ball Park. I'm also the cook. During the ball season i figure Ive cooked and wrapped close to 15,000 hot dogs. OK so times that by the 6yrs Ive been there and Ive handled 90,000 hot dogs. This doesn't count all the dogs i helped wrap for all the other occasions, such as Customer Appreciation Day, Military Day, Weather School for school age kids, and many other things happening there that don't have anything to do with my concession stand. To top it off, this year they added Thursday Buck a Brat Night. So we averaged about 5000 brats on those nights. There was 11 of those days. So that's 55,000 brats. I have one thing to say...That's Disgusting!!!

Why?? Do i do it? WHY? Why? why? I blame MrBoston. The bum. He's a sport freak. He collects ball cards. HE wanted to apply at the Ball Park when they first opened it in 04. I didn't. But i made the mistake of going with him when he applied. And now here it is 6 seasons later. I was a little snarly the last few days at work. I was tired. It was extremely busy. AND I'm just not a people person. I like to go to work, do my work and go home. Not visit, chat or gab with others. Heck i don't even answer my phone unless its my mom. I like being with MrBoston and my little Zoo. That's it.

Anywho speaking of MrBoston, He gets on these food kicks, where he has to eat something all the time til he gets tired of it. A couple of months ago it was ice cream, than cream of wheat. Or English muffins, these by the way have come full swing. Now its peanut butter. He had me buy 10 cans of peanut butter that were on sale. OK OK so 5 of them were crunchy, I'm crunchy and hes smooth. I haven't opened one of my crunchy and i think hes on his second or third. So now i have a shelf full of peanut butter. Maybe i should make cookies. Though my dog loves peanut butter. Men. weird creatures they be.

Cow poops. Lovely lovely cow poops. I once fell in cow poop. There i admitted it. Now i can go on in my life and hold my head high. Wait! maybe it was horsey poo. No. it was cow poop. Sweet lovely, cow poop.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Dogs, i love dogs, big, small, tall and short ones. Ive got 3 dogs now. So my profile is outta date. Ive never bought a dog from a store or a breeder. I'm into mutts and adopting dogs. My first dog was back when i was a kid. His name was Manley, aka Puddles. Puddles had issues. Serious issues, so serious it was determined that he was menace to society ( this diagnose was not made by me, I would never have made that decision) Anyways i only had Puddles for a little over a year. And than he was gone...it was the worst time of my life...i didn't even get to say goodbye to him..I'm so so so sorry Puddles.

My next dog who i got the next day after Puddles went...um....well my dad said go get another dog, so we went to the pound. My mom and i and my sister. The place was a mad house of a mixture of dogs. I looked at each and every one of those dogs. I loved them all. But since i was allowed only one dog i had a choice to make. If you have ever gone to a pound you know what i mean. We met several dogs in their visiting area. but i couldn't pick. I went back to the cage area and went down what was called the vicious dog aisle. I hadn't gone down it before....because well according to everyone else my last dog had been vicious and i doubt they would let me have another. Low and behold smack dab in the middle of all these growling snapping dogs was this little blond fur ball pup with this Pompadour hairdo on his head. It was love, pure simple love. I had to have this vicious puppy. OK OK, he wasn't vicious, he was just placed there til another kennel opened up in the puppy area.

Higgins, That's his name. He was by far the best dog in the world, Polite, handsome, and loved to go sailing. (Well someone had to go sailing with dad every weekend.) During my turbulent teen years i told Higgins everything. I cried on his shoulder so many times I'm amazed he didn't get a moldy shoulder. Higgins was my everything. He went everywhere i went. School, work, walks, anywhere. He loved going to the Bookstore (another story, family business) and hanging out in the backroom because he knew he would get Subway for food. Ham and Cheese, light mayo only and a few potato chips was his favorite. He liked to watch my sister do Returns at the store because he loved to get in the way of things. He wanted to greet the customers and welcome them to the store with his big furry smile.

Higgins was there for me when my parents got divorced. and i cried on his shoulder. I loved Higgins, however the one thing i hate myself for doing was...leaving him behind when i moved to MO.

My Mom and i decided we needed a dog. We both were new to town. So we went to the pound. Once again the decisions and dogs to look at were awful. We visited and sat with many dogs before picking on this little black poofy cotton ball. He was part Border Collie and Retriever. More B.C. than the other. His name was Murphy. He loved his soccer ball, (which my mom, um well swiped for the local elementary school playground) He'd herd that thing all over the backyard. You'd kick it and he'd herd it back to you for another kick. About 5 yrs later, my mom found a lump on his back, and after a vet visit it was determined to be cancer. Murphy didn't make it through surgery, the cancer had spread to his vital organs. It was a extremely sad day for us. My soccer ball loving freak was gone.

My next dog came after i met MrBoston (a goofy love story over the Internet, and him moving to MO from MA.) We'd been living together for about 2 yrs. and had just moved from an apartment to a house. We spent our weekends selling Sport Cards and Memorabilia out at a local flea market. Oh the animals they had out there, cows, chickens, alligators, kittens and dogs, lots of dogs and puppies. One day i saw this truck bed with these puppies in it. I saw this black one i just had to have. Without informing MrBoston i purchased him. He was a fortune, 10 bucks. When i got back to our trucks parking spot where we sold things with the pup, I got the LOOK, and All he said was.."you have to take care of him". As we were packing up and getting ready to leave the lady who i had bought the pup from came over and asked if i wanted another pup. She had one left and didn't want to take him home with her. I said sure id take him. And i got another one of those LOOKS from MrBoston. Men..sheesh...and their looks.

We headed home with our new additions. We made one stop at MrBostons daughters home for some reason i don't remember, and we ended up leaving the little black pup i had bought with them. I was left with the weird black and white spotted pup. Turns out the pups are part Akita/Blue Heeler. My new pups name is Mickey Mantle Mouse N******** W******. I had to give him my last name as well as MrBostons. We call him, Mouse. A 100lb Mouse that is. Mouse can drive too. (pic at top) J/K. Mouse does everything with us. Hes been to Colorado, even stayed at The Stanley Hotel, how many dogs can say that? Been to Kansas, Wichita. KC, St Louis, OK and numerous other places. Mouse is now 7 yrs old. A grumpy old man just like MrBoston. Two peas and all that......

We foster dogs now, We kept our first foster, Mia. Shes a Pit/redheaded something or another. We love them all like they were our own dogs. MrBoston gets teary when they leave for their forever homes. He gets attached to them. Everyone said it was going to be me who got attached. HA fooled them. We foster through a wonderful organization called Killuminati Rescue. They are there for people who might need help with vet procedures that they cant afford and they only foster dogs as they don't have a company kennel. I'm glad to be helping dogs even if its one dog at a time. For all creaturat a time. For all creatures deserve to be loved.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Tonight i worked with Marines. Yep! Marines. These Marines i worked with, volunteer their time to make money so that Marines on duty overseas can have a Christmas and many other things that they may need while serving our Country. They also do many other great things for the community and fellow military personnel.

The group of Marines i worked with are from the local Marine Corp League Detachment. Some are young and some are old. But all are great guys. There is one guy who is big and burly, but a big teddy bear. and than there is one who is a clown. and than a serious one. Ive worked several years with them and i love em to death. Just the thought of the things they have done and are doing for other Marines makes me feel very honored to have worked with them.

Plus tonight i got the highest compliment given from them, and it was.... "I'm pretty OK, for a girl."

lol gotta love the Marines.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Lets talk family. I love my family, odd as it is. We all reside in this area with the exception of my big little brother and dad. My Big Little Brother lives in TX, with his wife and 2 children. He's a pilot. I once flew with him in a Avanti, when he lived in CA, A Avanti is a weird plane that is backwards. In fact during that flight i flew with Donald O'Connor and his lovely wife. My Brother was flying him back to Santa Monica from Palm Springs after a golfing trip.

My dad and his Wife currently reside in CO, in the wilds near Rocky Mountain National Park. Their house is on a mountainside and overlooks a lake. During the winter months they pack up their dog and move to the coast of TX. They love to sail, by sea by mountain lake. I on the other hand hate to sail.

My Mom, Sister and big Big Brother with his wife and 2 kids live here. MO. same town, same sorta area. I'm a rebel and live on the north side of town and they all live on the south. My brother is a Dr. here in town and everyone i talk to says he's soooo cute and handsome. BLECH!! i say, BLECH!!! Hes my brother for Pete's sake. Cute isn't the word id use to describe him. Pain, torture, bossy, weird and odd. Though from what Ive seen hes pretty quiet, but than Ive never asked his wife. Oh alright for a big brother he's pretty cool. I guess ill keep him.

My sister is....well my sister. Shes funny and loves animals. We went thru some things together, though at separate times, that the rest of the family really didn't understand. It was hard for me to see her go through what i had. I'm not the most vocal person and i never know what to say. So i wasn't really there for her like i should have been. But you know what?? I'm her protector. So Dr you remember i said that!! Or ill rip your eyebrows off and stuff them up your nose. j/k kinda.

Niece and Nephews, Yep Ive got a Niece and 3 Nephews. First my Big little brother has the niece and a nephew, Both the cutest things. Both who are smarter than probably the whole family put together.

The Dr and his wife have 2 sons. The oldest is off to college for his second year. and the other is doing his thing in High School. OK OK being a hermit and not much of a people or kid person i really didn't see much of their growing up. So I'm their neglectful, tattooed, slightly crazy aunt.

Mom. Mom is everything to me. Id do anything for mom. For all the times i made her cry for some reason, i regret it, very deeply. I love her. Her funny little habits and her big flower garden. Her weird little dog THAT she stole from me. Even her backyard ponds goldfish, that mysteriously disappear, (egret) i love her. Shes the one that kept this family together, and my sister and I from snapping a certain Dr in half.

So there's my family. An odd assortment of people. But its my odd assortment of people.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Me. all about ME! ME! ME!

Im stepping away from my travels but will return soon to them. The pic is were i work now. so on to me

Yes, I'm from Colorado. I lived there for like forever, oh alright til i was 22. But that was only because i was forced to go to college in a MN.

So back to Colorado. I grew up just downwind for Coors. Which might explain for my slight madness. I'm not what you would call an out going person. Not really shy, but a loner. I aspired to be a hermit or is that hermitess? i really had no friends. For i was different, i was a Indian in a white world of Country clubs and kids from the other sides of the tracks. i was middle class. I was outta place. I was adopted, and they weren't. I was picked on, spat on. Oh sure i had my close neighborhood friends i grew up with, but even than i knew sooner or later they would go off and join the other kids. I was the odd man er woman.

I went to a different high school, than those i knew. I was trouble!! muahaha!! no not really. I went to an alternative school. My parents were divorced, i was living with my sister. i was 16. My school was in Evergreen, 35 miles from home. i road a bus 4 times a day to and from there. I was partying with my sister. i was outta control. I started to miss school to go hang with friends on the 16th mall. or take a bus clear across Denver to Cinderella City, a mall. or drink a gallon or two if coffee at Perkins. I was drunk in school, i was lying about the things i was doing in school to graduate, I terrorized the teachers or as they were called Advisers, at my school. No one there knew i was headed for a major blowout. Maybe they should have, but i was good at hiding things.

My high school shared a parking lot with The Jefferson County Sheriffs office. We got drunk behind it and went to school after. I got into fights. both teacher and student. I was dramatic, threatening, scared, silent and drunk. I was having panic attacks all the time. i was a even suicidal. i was 16. My mind raced with wild thoughts, good and bad. My only friends at school were carrying guns, M and C. G and N were just following along. i have no idea why. Than M and C got expelled. and i crawled into a bottle. I was a cutter way before it was popular. The School was no help, i was ignored and so i finally lied my out. i was 18.

I lived with my sister for the next few years, and finally went to college. MN. Yep way way way up north. So close to the Border i could throw rocks at the Canadians. No not really. it was about 45 mins away to rock throwing distance. I made some good friends there, both male and female. My fav is now a mom of 2 and was in the Army, her recruiter didn't like me. LOL. Than there were the 2 brothers, i always loved them, but they were totally different to each other. The older one, was so odd and weird and funny, i loved him to pieces. (Cabal) He was trouble but in a good sense, He was also out to save the world from...um never mind. The younger one was cute, but yet full of himself. but it fit him. I always knew he was destine to be a cop, or something in that field. He had that cop look to him. and i loved him too. He kept our feet on the ground many times. There this one from Minneapolis, she was dark, mysterious and weird. lol she still is. but with a bagpipe now. There was nothing she didn't know about Sci-fi, medieval times and music. god she had talent. She still does. There was the 2 who got married, i still laugh about the times she would come over to get her soon to be husband who would be passed out on our floor. or MrMonotone, he was silent, cool, nerdy, and a geek. We spent some time in Denver together. There was K, who after one fight between the bros that he broke up, wished that The love Boat would hit a landmine. ( it was the only thing on TV and tensions were high) I still laugh about that.

After college i moved back to CO. I spent a couple years there, Mostly drinking and partying with my sister and my college bud. I knew i didn't want to stay in CO forever. The city was getting so big. I was thinking about where my older Brother lived with his wife and kids. Than one day Mom said she was thinking of moving there. So together we went. It was Feb 1995. I left everything i had ever known behind, including my dog. I wish i had brought him. My sister had him now so i knew he was in good hands.

I now lived in MO. A hop and skip from Branson. The Hillbilly Capital of the world. My new town had raised Brad Pitt, Bob barker and had Bass Pro. It moved at the pace of turtles. I loved it.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pioneer Woman, Cows on roids and/or Cowboys and Indians.

After a long baseball season. I am returning to my blog. No I'm not a Baseball player, far from it. I'm a slightly crazy female living in Mo, who loves the Internet and all its weird and bizarre sites and people.

Sooo lets begin with one of my favs. It to is a blog. but by far better than this one here. Its called Pioneer Woman. ( http://thepioneerwoman.com ) I started to read her (Ree) blog back in the early part of 07. It grabbed me and hasn't let go since. I was fascinated by her writing. Her photos and all around oddness. And one hunky looking husband. Cowboys intrigue me. Why you ask? Well because i am a full-blooded Indian. No not from OK. but SD. Yes id heard stories about how Cowboys swindled and stole land from Indians. But yet there were those Cowboys who helped the Indian. Ok OK i admit im not a expert about Cowboys or Indians for that fact. Heck, i was adopted and lovingly raised by a family of white folks. Mennonites to be exact. My childhood was...welll...good, bad and ugly. But thats a story for another time. So what i really know about my heritage could....well fill a thimble.

Im one of those people who if they find something they like, i have to dig into it and read the underbelly side. I am also one of those people who doesnt believe every little thing written on the Internet is true. I take it with a grain of salt so to say. So i confess i did google and archive PW a little. and it was WILD Reading!! If everything i read about Ree and her Husband and his family was true it would be like DALLAS! (gotta be old to know that show). I did alot of laughing and some snorting, But Honestly who cares if some of MMs family has been pulled over for speeding. You ever drive thru that part of the country??? anyone?? I have numerous times on my way to *Punka* City. and you can't help driving fast just to feel your getting somewhere. The only thing out there is Cows, fields and rocks. So do i believe that Rees husband, MM, beats her and is mean to her? nah. She'd go all kung fu on him and he'd be riding his horse funny for days. Do i believe his ancient relatives took land from the Indians?? probably. But who cares. that was long ago. And whats up with the money?? So many places Ive read about Ree and Family, people are always asking, complaining and whining about the D's Money. Who cares if they have money. I'm sure running a cattle ranch that size isn't cheap. Heck Ive only got an acre of land and its expensive. But if the city passes the chicken law here....MUAHAHAA ill have chickens before Ree. lol god I'm lame.

So anyway I'm fascinated by Cowboys. so sue me. and i love to read PW. Oh and by the way Ree if you ever read this...I still have a Brother who's a Orthopaedic Surgeon you can have.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Long time.

Its been a bit of time since my last post. Work you know. This town i live in has a college basketball team that for some reason has gotten into the WNIT and CIT. And are hosting the games here. So i have been working triple shifts. Im actually going to be going on a real vacation in a few weeks. Im going to Kansas City to see the Boston Red Sox play KC. Three games. YAY!! Hopefully ill have a camera that works. My last real vacation was 5 yrs ago and we had gone to Colorado, Estes Park to be exact. Now dont laugh, it was a Ghosthunting trip. With the Ghosthunters. The Stanley Hotel. Very fun and exciting. Though i didnt see any ghosts, the Hotel was just awesome. i can see why Stephen King used it as the back drop for The Shining. I'd like to go back sometime.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Alls Fair and so on........

Time to even things up here. We saw the Penis Museum. and Now...*drumroll please......* We have the............Museum of MENSTRUATION. Yes i said Menstruation. Another weird thing i wasn't looking for but caught a side bar ad for on some website.

Interesting i must say. I never knew there were so many kinds of tampons. Menstrual cups?? what?? huh?? PMS Crunch?? A snack of goodies for that time of the Month?? Sounds as bad as those Stupid commercials that scream about having a Happy Period. BullBerries there's no such thing as a Happy Period. Period! Just ask my Boyfriend, He's never happy when i'm having my period. LOL.

Ah well if your feeling gutsy or daring or your drunk and wont remember anything in the morning please feel free to take a look at the following websites.



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not for faint of heart..or your mom.....

Well not that i actively go looking for things like this. But sometimes things just happen to appear whether you wanted them to or not.

Phallology. A Word that can't be found in a dictionary. But The Icelandic Phallological Museum says it's a little known science, OF penises. Ok ok laugh. And let me repeat i wasn't looking for male anatomy neither scientific or porn on the internet. I was looking at some European travel sites, Uumm ahh....that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

Anywho..This museum isn't just about male humans outdoor plumbing. It has over 200 specimens of penises and penis parts of land and sea mammals native to Iceland. Yes they even have a few human. Cool?? or Weird??

Sorry no pics this time. You have to go to the site to look at them. I do have some pride for my blog...well kinda.....


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Personal Protection of the 50s

As i was watching some YouTube the other night, i came across the video of Duck and Cover. An old instructional film of the 50s that was used to teach school age children how to protect themselves in the event of an unexpected Nuclear Attack. Im sorry i had to laugh. I know this was a very serious thing back then, but still...Bert???

Well than i got curious about these so-called infomercials of the 50s. and i found this website that had a lot and i mean a lot of old vids of these films. There was even old sex-ed films for boys of the 50s, (did they even teach that stuff back then??) an anti-homosexual film for young boys and how to avoid male molesters. Meet King Joe (1949) A animated cold war film aimed at American Workers to show them what good fortune they have. Mind Your Manners (1953) A film about how teenagers can cultivate good manners by having a real desire to get along with others. Mother Takes a Holiday (1952) A film about how electrical Appliances free women of housely duties. This could be taken in a good or bad way. lol.

I find these infomercials of the 40s 50s and 60s interesting. The mindset of people back then. but than again this stuff didn't happen that long ago...I suppose in 60, 70 years from now everything we now think of as very important and meaningful will be laughable and goofy looking too.

So visit this site and take a look at your past. makes a person think.

Or you can see a couple of the Vids i saved in my favs of YouTube at the bottom of this blog.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Niagara Falls Frozen

As i was gandering at various sites for Victoria Falls, I came upon these pictures about Niagara Falls freezing over. According to the page it stated it was unknown when the Falls froze. but the best guess was somewhere between 1890 and 1936. The pictures im posting are from Niagara Falls Public Library. According to them they are taken at different times. I find this interesting because who would have thought that Niagara Falls could ever freeze solid. Although some say these were only partial freezes. This would have been a cool site to see.

This is the kind of stuff i love to look at. The strange and weird. Well this was just a tidbit i thought was interesting.

Safe travels all.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Water, Water and Water.

One thing i love about being an Internet Tourist is that i can be on one side of the world and in a flash be on the other side. When i can i will add the website url of the place i visit. All though a lot of times i will visit numerous website to get the whole picture of what i'm visiting. Sometimes as i travel i'll even stop and bring up some of the more Posh Hotels and resorts...places that id never be able to afford (600-$1000 night rooms) even if i was their in person. Maybe one time ill post something about the hotels/resorts that i really like. Anywho...i just went to a place that i once saw a picture of a long time ago.

Victoria Falls is its name. I had once seen a picture of some people swimming in a place called Devils Pool. It is in Zimbabwe, Africa. At the time the big debate was if the picture were real or fake. Personally i didn't care if it was real or fake because it freaked me out. Yes, i get queasy just looking at pictures of heights. LOL but i'm a glutton for punishment and i really REALLY want to go take a look at the new building in Dubai. There is even a cool youtube vid out there of some guy standing on the very tippy top of the building. Eeew im getting woozy just thinking about it. GAA!! Ok Ok back to Africa....

When i started for Victoria Falls I Googled, Yahoo'd, and Bing'd it. Im not one to take the word and posts of just one site/search engine. Trust me not all search engines are the same. So off i went on a wonderful trip. I started by visiting Victoria Falls the town. Its on the Zimbabwe side of the Falls and Livingstone town is on the Zambia side. Livingstone was named after the famous David Livingstone who in 1855 was the very first European to see the falls. Some of the pictures are just awe inspiring. Supposedly this is one of Seven Wonders of the World, but than it all depends on where you look and who you ask. Over 132,275 gallons of water go over the Falls in a minute. The spray that is created by that amount of water shoots all the way up to 1300 ft, sometimes even higher. The spray can be seen 30 miles away.

The Devils pool, oh my gosh!! Nice blue water....TUMBLING AND CRASHING over the cliff, to drop 338ft to a rocky bottom. WOW!! I'm not sure if you could get me into that pool. Take a look at some of the pictures. Would you? Yes there are Crocs and Hippos in the river, BUT even they aren't stupid enough to get this close to the Falls. So it is fairly safe. I think. Welllll that is why im here, safe, the most dangerous thing around here is my sleeping dog and that would be tripping over him and breaking a leg.

As i visit these places i can be sucked into the History of the region also. I learned about the natives and their lives before the Falls became so popular. Sometimes ill get carried away and wind up reading and watching vids of the surrounding country. Sometimes my trips take a few minutes to hours, even days. Some i keep going back to over and over and over again.

Well happy travels everyone.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Welcome. One of my favorite sites.

Well i couldn't decide where to start. So i figured i might as well start with one of my favorite websites for seeing things i never even knew existed. The interesting thing about this website, is that it pertains to Russia aka Soviet Union. I saw Soviet Sub bases, Pics of Moscow and its people as they were in the 50s, 60s, 70s. Abandoned Cold War Military base pics. Chernobyl, as it was before and after the nuclear meltdown.

I find it interesting that Russia has so many abandoned cities, businesses, towns, Military bases. Chernobyl, Bechyovinka, Kadikchan, Kola just to name a few of the Cities abandoned. Uralmash was a company that destroyed acres and acres of land just to be built and than abandoned. I understand that so many of these places were abandoned after the Soviet Union Collapse. One of the most interesting abandoned places i looked at was Stalins Gulags. And the stories told about life in them.

I could go on and on about Russia. But ill save some for later. So if you get a chance Visit this website and come back and let me know what you think.

